Confused about tomorrow confused about today. Why is everything confusing. I wish she were here she would know all the answers. I'm scared I don't want to loose him but i think he is loosing me. I wish i had the answers. I wish i knew the future. Then Life would be perfect and i would not be suffering right now. Life is weird, annoying, confusing, recentful, unpatient,unkind. Doesn't matter what I do im always struggling to be free. Some days I am the happiest person around because i know things are going well. Then there are others that i feel like a bomb exploded. ---Tracey M
Hi my Twin...
ResponderEliminarI love your writing, don´t like you to be unhappy...but it comes with life...and i am always here to put you up...or at least try.. ;) Cala-teee...I wish i was there too, i know things would be diferent...but keep going my Angel...your doing well don´t forget your beautiful and keep always smiling... hey by the way...LOVE YOUR BLOG...AND HOW IT HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT ME ;) I LOVE YOU!!!
Miss you...this stupid distance sucks, but...wile your in my heart your close...
" A distancia pode causar saudade mas nunca o esquecimento..."
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